Friday, January 27, 2012

Statement from State Republican Executive Committeeman David Bellow:

America has entered into a new world of moral decay and constitutional devastation.  The government “of the people, by the people and for the people” has become the government “by the judges and for the politicians.” The inalienable rights we get from God have become alienable rights given to us by people simply because having a mention of God in the constitution is not constitutional, even though it is a part of the constitution itself and the belief in God is the cornerstone of our great American ideology. It created democracy and freed much of the world. But now the people have no representation and absolutely no ability to have their voice be heard. When the people do speak up and overwhelmingly want to protect their borders, stop excessive taxing and spending or even protect the sacred institution of marriage, there is always one judge who will come in and with the stroke of a pen can become the tyrant of a nation founded on defeating tyranny. There is no longer a balance of powers and instead the judicial branch has become the end all of any major issue. Most politicians are too afraid to stand up for the majority for fear of losing a few votes from the minority. They fail to stand for what is right for fear of upsetting someone, but the very fact that you are standing up for something means that there is someone who is against you. In other words, there is no way to make everyone happy by trying to pander to both sides. Respect the other side, listen to the other side, work with the other side, but stand up for what you believe. Some people will not like you but that is inevitable. We cannot choose what we stand for based on the shaky foundation of convenience or opportunism. We must be bold and stand up for what we believe because it is the right thing to do and not because it is the politically correct thing to do. Now is the time to stand. This next couple of years can make or break what is left of the foundation that our great country was built on. Let us stand up. Let us be bold. Let us go forth in such a way so history will show that, win or lose, we stood up for what we believed and we fought hard and had no regrets.

Visit for more info about David Bellow and read other statements from him, including info about his Lawsuit against Obama's Healthcare!

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